Set rights on your reference entities


The basics

Once you have created your 1st reference entity and created your user groups, you can begin to define for each of these user groups if they will be able to display/edit this reference entity and its data.

Rights depending on the reference entity

You can define which user groups can view or edit a reference entity, its properties, its attributes and its records.

For reference entities, we have 2 levels of access: the view right and the edit right.

It’s not possible to hide a reference entity.
These permissions don't apply to the API and file import.


The edit right

The edit right means add, edit and delete rights.
If a user belonging to a user group has right to EDIT a reference entity, he will be able to:

  • Edit the properties of this reference entity
  • Add, edit and delete the attributes of this reference entity
  • Add, edit and delete a record of this reference entity
  • Delete this reference entity

If you want only some users to be able to edit the attributes of a reference entity or delete a record, you can also manage accesses on the actions according to the user roles. Please refer to this article to have more information.


The view right

If a user belonging to a user group has right to VIEW a reference entity, he will only be able to display the reference entity data (properties, attributes, records) and that's all.
He won't be able to edit or delete it.

Set rights on a reference entity

To define the rights on a reference entity, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Permissions tab of the reference entity
  2. For each user group, tick to give the VIEW or EDIT rights
  3. Click on the Save button to save the Permissions

For example, a user in the Manager group can edit this Brand reference entity, so he can add and edit attributes or add and enrich some brands. A user in the Clothes managers group can only view this Brand reference entity, so he can only view its attributes and also view its brands.

If you want all your user groups to have the edit rights, click on EDIT in the columns title and all the user groups will be ticked with EDIT rights.
If you want almost all your user groups to have the view rights, click on VIEW in the columns title and all the user groups will be ticked with VIEW rights. And then, add the EDIT right to some user groups.


At least one user group should have EDIT rights on a reference entity to manage the permissions on this reference entity.


Rights depending on the locales

It is possible to define for each user group, on which locale the reference entity data can be viewed or edited.

For reference entities, we have 2 levels of access on locales: the view right and the edit right.

It is not possible to hide a locale in a reference entity.


The edit right

The edit right means add and edit rights.
If a user belonging to a user group has right to EDIT a reference entity, he will be able to:

  • Edit the reference entities labels for a locale
  • Edit the reference entities attributes labels for a locale
  • Edit the reference entity records values for a locale if the attribute is localizable

The view right

If a user belonging to a user group has right to VIEW on a locale, he will only be able to display the reference entity data on this locale (properties, attributes, records) and that's all.
He won't be able to edit it.

Set rights on a locale

To define the rights on a locale, please refer to this article.