April 2023 Serenity updates

This month we focused on helping you increase productivity by introducing a number of improvements designed to help you work smarter and faster in Akeneo PIM. Plus, the new industry benchmark capability for Time-to-Market Insights will help you understand how your product enrichment processes compare to your peers.


Industry Benchmarks Added to Time-to-Market Insights

Type: Improvement | Feature: Productivity | Available in Serenity EE only since April | 📖 Read the doc

Earlier this year we introduced Time-to-Market Insights to help you identify opportunities to streamline the product data enrichment process and bring products to market faster. Now you can gain even more value from these insights by understanding how your productivity compares to industry peers with new industry benchmarks.

Time-to-Market Insights now includes an industry benchmark.

Learn more at Akeneo Akademy

Deepen your understanding of Time-to-Market Insights in this interactive course.

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Not familiar with the context?            
Here is a selection from our help center:            
Learn about Time-to-Market Insights


Bulk Delete Attributes & Attribute Groups

Type: Improvement | Feature: Productivity | Available in Serenity EE and GE since April 

Once a catalog structure is created or imported in Akeneo PIM the only way to rebuild or restart it is to manually delete elements one by one, an extremely time-consuming process. Now you can speed this process and gain more flexibility to modelize your catalog directly in Akeneo PIM with the ability to bulk delete attributes and attribute groups. Select all the attributes you need to delete and use the dedicated bulk action option or choose one or more attribute groups that are no longer relevant. You will then be prompted to select the new attribute group that will gather those attributes if you still want to keep them in your instance. 

Bulk delete attributes and attribute groups
Confirm deletion


Date Type Attributes for Assets

Type: Improvement | Feature: Productivity | Available in Serenity EE only since April | 📖 Read the doc 

Now you can add date-based information to assets with the new Date Type attribute. This information can support asset workflows by defining dates around key activities. For example, use this attribute to define the launch date when an asset can be distributed or an end-of-life date when an asset should be deleted or removed from circulation.

Date Type is the newest attribute available for assets.


Deactivate Pre-Defined Category Templates

Type: Improvement | Feature: Productivity | Available in Serenity EE and GE since April | 📖 Read the doc 

It is now possible to deactivate a category template when the template is no longer needed. This action will delete the category's attributes content from the entire category tree, including all related categories, subcategories and sub-subcategories. 


Deactivate the category template with the click of a button.

Not familiar with the context?            
Here is a selection from our help center:            
Learn about the enriching categories



Multiple Identifier Generators 

Type: Improvement | Feature: Productivity | Available in Serenity EE and GE since April 

Set up multiple Identifier Generators in Akeneo PIM to automate the creation of product identifiers for specific product types, brands, or business use cases. For example, you might create one Identifier Generator to define the identifier structure for shirts (Tshirt-Blue-M-001) and another to define a different identifier structure for accessories (Accessory-Hat-Wool-1453).


Now you can have multiple Identifier Generators to speed the creation of product identifiers.

Not familiar with the context?            
Here is a selection from our help center:            
Learn about the Identifier Generator



Learn more about Time-to-Market Insights in this interactive course