[Variants] How to use the Variant module?


We help you understand how you can use the variants module and how it works concretely.



How does the Variants module work? 

The Variants module allows you to manually create product groups, enabling efficient management of related product variants.

Use Case: Creating and Managing Product Variants

Let's walk through a practical scenario where your suppliers have sent you new products and you need to organize these products into groups and manage their variants. Here’s how the Variants module can help:

Accessing Your Products

  • On the left side of the screen, you will find all the products present in your file. This list serves as your starting point for creating and managing product groups.

Creating Independent Products or Product Groups

Select the lines corresponding to the products you want to manage. You have two options:

  1. Make the Product(s) Independent: Click "Make independent" to treat each product separately.
  2. Create a Product Model with Variants: Click "Create a product model" to group products together under a common model.

Once you've selected the products you wish to group, a new screen will appear. Here, you need to type in an ID for your product model and select which attributes will vary within this group (e.g., Price, EAN).

For Akeneo PIM customers, it is not necessary to select the variant attributes as they will be automatically selected thanks to the Akeneo connector.


Editing Product Model Groups

  • After creating a product model group, you can easily edit it by adding or removing products. Use the buttons “Add to product model” or “Remove from product model” to make adjustments as needed.

This example demonstrates a typical use of the Variants module. Depending on your specific needs, there may be other ways to leverage this tool. 

For personalized advice and to explore how this module can enhance your workflow, consult with your Customer Success Manager (CSM). They can provide detailed guidance tailored to your requirements