Create a job
- Go to the "Jobs" tab.
- Click on the top right button "New Job".
- Start by defining the name of the job (e.g. "Winter season 2022").
- Upload your catalog in the format of your choice: .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm or .csv
- Save the information by clicking on the "Validate" button.
- Work on the job by clicking on the edit button.

Accepted Product file formats
Edit or Delete a job
- Go to the "Jobs" tab.
- Select the job you wish to modify or delete and click on the drop-down menu via the arrow on the left.
- You can modify the job using the "edit" button.
- You can delete the job with the "delete" button.
- Jobs can be sorted by status (completed, validation pending, processing in progress, error).

The jobs page lists the history of jobs that have been previously loaded.
When editing a completed job, you’ll be redirected to the finalization step. You can navigate through the different steps by clicking on their names to review the actions taken at each stage. While it’s possible to edit a previous step, please note that this will reset all actions performed in the subsequent steps. For more information, refer to this guide.