Logs & Errors


Logs & Errors


In the History section of your Shopify App, you can conveniently review all previous imports you have performed.

The imports are organized in chronological order, with the newest import appearing at the top. Please note that the list is limited to the 30 most recent imports for easy navigation and reference.

Within the History tab, you can find the following essential information related to each import:

1. Starting date and time: This indicates the exact date and time when the import process was initiated.

2. Duration: This refers to the duration it took for the import to complete its execution.

3. Type: The execution type can be categorized as either "full" or "delta." A "full" import signifies that all data was imported, while a "delta" import indicates that only the modified or updated data was imported.

4. Reference date: This is the date from which we retrieve all products created or updated in the Akeneo PIM when performing a delta import.

5. Scope: The scope denotes the type of job import performed. Currently, there are two available job types:

  • Products: This job type focuses on importing product-related data.
  • Products with variants: This job type focuses on importing products with variants-related data.

6. Status: For detailed information regarding the synchronization status, please refer to the dedicated Synchronization status section.

7. Message: The Message section provides an overview of the overall health of your job import. To explore further details about the import, simply click on "See logs." This will direct you to a detailed list of job logs categorized by product or other relevant categories.

8. Logs: Within the detailed logs page, you will find errors and warnings associated with the import process. These error messages are designed to be clear and direct, assisting you in identifying and resolving any potential issues that may arise during the import.

By utilizing the comprehensive import history feature in your Shopify App, you can easily track and manage your previous imports, ensuring a seamless and efficient workflow for your online store.

Please use this feature to fix all potential errors/warnings in your ito can access the PIM and Shopify products concerned by clicking on Go to product.

Please note that you can use the delta import to apply fixes to your import and to preserve the performance of your App.



Synchronization report

The synchronization report is a detailed summary of the synchronization process. It includes information about the sync configuration, tracks the number of resources synchronized, and contains logs for debugging and understanding the synchronization. This report is essential for monitoring and optimizing the synchronization of your resources to Shopify.

Log messages


Log label Log message
Synchronization completed successfully Synchronization has been successfully completed, with no warnings or errors.
Pre-existing product synchronized PIM Product […]: The PIM product has been synchronized with the Shopify product […].
Product creation skipped PIM Product […]: The PIM product has been skipped because the ‘Import pre-existing products only’ filter was activated.
Product created PIM Product […]: The PIM product has been synchronized with Shopify.
Pre-existing product model synchronized PIM Product Model […]: The PIM product model and its variants have been synchronized with the Shopify product […].
Product model creation skipped PIM Product […]: The PIM product and its variants have been skipped because the ‘Import pre-existing products only’ filter was activated.
Product model created PIM Product Model […]: The PIM product model and its variants have been synchronized with Shopify.



Log label Log message
Attribute unavailable PIM attribute […]: The PIM attribute is no longer available in the PIM and has been unmapped from the <…> field.
Attribute unavailable in the family PIM attribute […]: The PIM attribute is no longer available in the […] family and has been unmapped from the <…> field.
Incompatible attribute type PIM attribute [<…>]: The PIM attribute has been unmapped from the Shopify field <…> because the attribute type <…> is incompatible. Please map a compatible PIM attribute to the Shopify field.
Synchronization completed with warnings and errors Synchronization has been completed with […] warnings and […] errors.
Product not found PIM Product […]: The Shopify product linked to the PIM product was not found in the Shopify store. It has been recreated.
Product status invalid PIM product […]: The product status ‘…’ is invalid, the default status ’…' has been set.
Product model not found PIM Product Model […]: The Shopify product linked to the PIM product model was not found in the Shopify store. It has been recreated.
More variants in the PIM PIM Product Model […]: The PIM product model and its variants have been synchronized, but there were more variants on the PIM product model. Missing variants have been created.
Product model status invalid PIM product model […]:  The product model status ‘…’ is invalid, the default status ’…' has been set.
Asset attribute unavailable PIM asset attribute […]: The PIM asset attribute is no longer available in the PIM and has been unmapped from media mapping.
Incompatible asset attribute type PIM asset attribute […]: The PIM asset attribute has been unmapped from media mapping because the attribute type <…> is incompatible. Please map a compatible PIM asset attribute.
Incompatible asset attribute media type PIM asset attribute […]: The PIM asset attribute has been unmapped from media mapping because the media type [<media_type_label>] is incompatible. Please map a compatible PIM asset attribute.
Metafield definition recreated The metafield definition for […] with key […] was not found in the Shopify store. It has been recreated.
Attribute unavailable for metafields PIM attribute […]: The PIM attribute is no longer available in the PIM and has been unmapped from the metafield mapping.
Incompatible attribute type for metafield definition PIM attribute […]: The PIM attribute has been unmapped from the metafield mapping because the attribute type <…> is incompatible. Please map a compatible PIM attribute.
Association unavailable for metafields PIM association […]: The PIM association is no longer available in the PIM and has been unmapped from the metafield mapping.
Incompatible association for metafields PIM association […]: The PIM association has been unmapped from the metafield mapping because the associations managing the quantities are incompatible. Please map a compatible PIM association.
Product associations disabled The synchronization of associations relating to simple products will not be processed because we detect no synchronization of this type of product.
Product model and variant associations disabled The synchronization of associations relating to product models and variant will not be processed because we detect no synchronization of this type of product.
Missing secondary locale The language […] was not found in Shopify and was not synchronized. The language has been removed from your store configuration. Please check that it is enabled in Shopify.
Configured secondary locale unavailable PIM secondary locale […]: The secondary locale is no longer available in the PIM for the channel <…> and has been unmapped from the store configuration.
Market no longer exists Shopify market <…>: The Shopify market was not found and prices were not synchronized to the market. The market has been removed from your store configuration. Please check that it is enabled in Shopify.
Market currency is no longer compatible Shopify market <…>: The Shopify market currency is no longer compatible and prices were not synchronized. The market has been removed from your store configuration. Please check that it is enabled in Shopify.
Locale selected for a market is no longer available PIM locale […]: The PIM locale mapped with the Shopify market […] for market pricing is no longer available and prices were not synchronized. The market has been removed from your store configuration. Please check that it is enabled in the PIM.
Price attribute unavailable for market pricing The field Price is not mapped in the app and prices were not synchronized. The market pricing synchronization has been skipped.
Incompatible attribute type for market pricing PIM attribute […]: Market pricing has been skipped because the attribute type <…> of the PIM attribute mapped to the Shopify field […] is incompatible with market pricing.
Invalid compare-at-price value PIM <…> […]: The value of the PIM attribute […], mapped with the compare-at-price field, has not been synchronized in the market […] because its amount is not greater than zero.



Log label Log message Solution
Instability error <resource_type> […] cannot be synchronized due to instability. Please try again.  Restart synchronization.      
If the problem persists, please contact support via the Helpdesk.
Incompatible attribute type The PIM attribute […] cannot be mapped with the Shopify field […] because the attribute type […] is incompatible. Please map a compatible PIM attribute to the Shopify field Map an attribute whose type is compatible with the Shopify field.
Synchronization stopped manually Synchronization has been manually stopped by a user.  
Synchronization stalled Synchronization has been automatically stopped because it lasted too long. Restart synchronization.      
If the problem persists, please contact support via the Helpdesk.
PIM API unavailable Synchronization has been automatically stopped due to the unavailability of the PIM API. Please try again later. Restart synchronization.      
If the problem persists, please contact support via the Helpdesk.
Unknown error Synchronization has been automatically stopped due to an unknown error. Please try again and contact support if the error persists. Restart synchronization.      
If the problem persists, please contact support via the Helpdesk.
Insufficient app permissions Synchronization has been stopped due to insufficient app permissions for the current catalog. Please update the category tree and locale permissions in your PIM then try again. Follow the steps below:     
1. In your PIM, go to Connect then Connected apps.     
2. Under the Akeneo App for Shopify, click on the Manage app button.     
3. Go to the Permissions tab and add the missing category trees, locales, and attribute groups.     
4. Save, then restart synchronization.
Data access error Synchronization has been stopped due to insufficient app permissions for the current catalog. Please contact support for assistance. Please contact support via the Helpdesk.
Configured channel unavailable Synchronization has been stopped because the channel <…> is no longer available in the PIM. Please update the store configuration. Please set an active channel on your PIM.
Configured currency unavailable Synchronization has been stopped because the currency <…> is no longer available for the channel <…>. Please update the store configuration. Please set an active currency on your PIM channel.
Configured locale unavailable Synchronization has been stopped because the locale <…> is no longer available for the channel <…>. Please update the store configuration. Please set an active currency on your PIM locale.
Identifier unavailable for pre-existing catalog Synchronization has been stopped because the [<…>] attribute, used as a PIM identifier to match the pre-existing Shopify catalog, is no longer available in the PIM. Please set an active PIM attribute as PIM identifier.
Incompatible identifier for pre-existing catalog Synchronization has been stopped because the [<…>] attribute type, used as a PIM identifier to match the pre-existing Shopify catalog, is incompatible. Please map a compatible PIM attribute. Please set a compatible PIM attribute as PIM identifier.     
Compatible attribute types: Identifier, text.
No mapped fields Synchronization has been stopped because none of the native fields are mapped. Please map at least the required fields to synchronize your products.    
Required field: Title
Unmapped required field (td) Synchronization has been stopped because the following fields are required but not mapped: <ecommerce_field_label> Please map the required fields to synchronize your products.    
Required field: Title
Shopify product error PIM Product […]: Error on Shopify with message: <error_message>. The solution depends on the error message.
Shopify product field error PIM Product […]: Error on Shopify field […] with message: <error_message>. The solution depends on the error message.
Instability on product PIM Product […] cannot be synchronized due to instability. Please try again. Restart synchronization.      
If the problem persists, please contact support via the Helpdesk.
Product identifier value empty or null PIM Product […]: The PIM product has not been synchronized with a Shopify product because the value of the […] attribute, used as a PIM product identifier to match the pre-existing Shopify catalog, is empty in the PIM or not linked to the […] family. Please check your PIM for the following items:     
• The attribute used as a PIM product identifier is linked to the mentioned family. If not, please link the attribute to the family and fill in the attribute value for the product mentioned.     
• The attribute value is filled in for the mentioned product. If not, please fill in an attribute value for the product.     
Product identifier value not unique PIM Product […]: The PIM product has not been synchronized because the value of the […] field, used as a Shopify product identifier to match the pre-existing Shopify catalog, is not unique. Please check which products have the same identifier in your Shopify store and assign a unique value to each of these products.
Shopify product model error PIM Product Model […]: Error on Shopify with message: <api_error_message>. The solution depends on the error message.
Shopify product model field error PIM Product Model […]: Error on Shopify field […] with message: <error_message>. The solution depends on the error message.
Too many axes PIM Product Model […]: The PIM product model and its variants have not been synchronized because it contains more than 3 variant axes. In the PIM, recreate the product model and its variants with a different structure, so that it has a maximum of 3 variant axes.
Too many variants PIM Product Model […]: The PIM product model and its variants have not been synchronized because it contains more than 100 variants. In the PIM, restructure your product model so that there are fewer than 100 variants. You can break down the product model by variant axis.
No variant in the PIM PIM Product Model […]: The PIM product model has not been synchronized because it has no variant. Please add a variant to the product model.
Instability on product model PIM Product model […] cannot be synchronized due to instability. Please try again. Restart synchronization.      
If the problem persists, please contact support via the Helpdesk.
Variant identifier value empty or null PIM Product Model […]: The PIM product model and its variants have not been synchronized because the value of the […] attribute, used as a PIM variant identifier to match the pre-existing Shopify catalog, is empty or not linked to the […] family. Please check your PIM for the following items:     
• The attribute used as a PIM product identifier is linked to the mentioned family and at the variant level. If not, please link the attribute to the family, at the variant level, and fill in the attribute value for all variants of the product model mentioned.     
• The attribute value is filled in for the variant of the product model mentioned. If not, please fill in an attribute value for the variant.     
Variant identifier value not unique PIM Product Model […]: The PIM product model and its variants have not been synchronized because the value of the […] field, used as a Shopify variant identifier to match the pre-existing Shopify catalog, is not unique. Please check which variants have the same identifier in your Shopify store and assign a unique value to each of these variants.
Variant identifier not at the product variant level PIM Product Model […]: The PIM product model and its variants have not been synchronized because the value of the […] attribute, used as a PIM variant identifier to match the pre-existing Shopify catalog, is not linked to the product variant level of the […] family. Please check your PIM for the following items:     
• The attribute used as a PIM product identifier is linked to the variant level of the family. If not, please link the attribute at the variant level of the family, and fill in the attribute value for all variants of the product model mentioned.
Different number of variant axes PIM Product Model […]: The PIM product model and its variants have not been synchronized because it does not have the same number of variant axes as the Shopify product […]. In the PIM or in Shopify, restructure your product model so that there are the same number of variant axes.
More variants in Shopify PIM Product Model […]: The PIM product model and its variants have not been synchronized because there are more variants on the Shopify product […]. There are two possible solutions:     
• Create the missing variant in the PIM     
• Delete the excess variant in Shopify
Same number of variants but different variant identifier value PIM Product Model […]: The PIM product model and its variants have not been synchronized because there are variants on the Shopify product […] that are not in the PIM. Please check if it's the same variant on both sides with a different identifier. If so, use a single identifier for this product on both PIM and Shopify.
Media creation failed PIM <resource_type> […]: Unable to upload media […] with message: <error_message>. Restart synchronization.      
If the problem persists, please contact support via the Helpdesk.
Unsupported image extension PIM <resource_type> […]: Unable to upload image […] because the […] extension is not supported Update file extension type.
Instability on media PIM <resource_type> […]: Media cannot be synchronized due to instability. Please try again. Restart synchronization.      
If the problem persists, please contact support via the Helpdesk.
Metafield definition creation failed Failed to create the metafield definition for […] key […] with message: <api_error_message>. The solution depends on the error message
Metafield value creation failed PIM <resource_type> […]: Error on Shopify metafield […] value with message: <api_error_message> The solution depends on the error message
Too many metafield definitions Synchronization was stopped because the limit of metafield definitions was reached for […]. There are two possible solutions:     
• In the Shopify app, remove excess metafields to be under the limit.     
• In Shopify, remove excess metafields to be under the limit.
Instability on metafields PIM <resource_type> […]: Metafields cannot be synchronized due to instability. Please try again. Restart synchronization.      
If the problem persists, please contact support via the Helpdesk.
Association resource not found PIM <…> […]: PIM <…> […] was not found for PIM association […].

Two possibilities:
• The product/variant to associate is not yet synchronized by the app

• The product/variant to associate is not in the catalog to synchronize

Metafield association creation failed PIM <…> […]: Error on Shopify metafield association […] value with message: <…>. The solution depends on the error message.
Metafield definition update failed Failed to update the metafield definition for […] key […] with message: <…>. The solution depends on the error message.
Metafield definition deletion failed Failed to delete the metafield definition for […] key […] with message: <…>. The solution depends on the error message.
Translation of a resource failed PIM <resource_type> […]: The […] <translatable_resource_type> with the value '[…]' has not been synchronized in the secondary locale […]. Message: <error_message>. The solution depends on the error message.
Markets pricing creation failed PIM <…> […]: The prices have not been synchronized on the market […]. Message: <…>. The solution depends on the error message.
Invalid price value PIM <…> […]: The value of the PIM attribute […], mapped with the price field, has not been synchronized in the market […] because its amount is not greater than zero. Update the price field value in the PIM and restart synchronization.      


Please note that logs returned by the Shopify API are not included in the list.