Get started with the rules engine


The rules engine can radically boost your productivity in the PIM by automating actions. As explained in this article, a rule enables you to automatically apply one or several actions to a specific list of products and product models. To set the targeted products, you have to define conditions (that are composed of fields and operators).

The rules are defined in a YML file that you can import in the PIM using a dedicated job profile or via the interface.

To guide you in the rules engine usage, read below and find out what you can use it for and how it works.

Name your rules

Each rule must have a unique code. It can also have a label per enabled PIM locale. This label will appear under Settings/Rules and be visible in your product form under your smart attributes. You can add the labels' settings anywhere in your rule. In the example below, it is placed at the end of the rule, and it adds labels for your American English and French locales. Here is the expected format:

                priority: 0
                    - field: family
                      operator: IN
                        - camcorders
                    - field: camera_model_name
                      operator: EMPTY
                    - type: copy
                      from_field: name
                      to_field: camera_model_name
                    en_US: 'Copy name to model'
                    fr_FR: 'Copie nom vers modèle'

If you do not want to add labels to your rule, leave the labels settings with { }.

labels: {}

The rule code will appear between brackets [ ] in the interface if no label is set.


You can also search on your rule labels under Settings/Rules.

Define a status for your rules

Thanks to the status, you can define whether or not the rule must be automatically executed.   
A status can be defined with the enabled key. The rule cannot be executed from cronjob or manually when the value is false.   
In the rule import, this key is not mandatory. If it's not specified, the rule is enabled and set to true, by default.   
To define the rule status, please follow this format:

                priority: 0
                enabled: true
                    - field: family
                      operator: IN
                        - camcorders
                    - field: camera_model_name
                      operator: EMPTY
                    - type: copy
                      from_field: name
                      to_field: camera_model_name
                    en_US: 'Copy name to model'
                    fr_FR: 'Copie nom vers modèle'

Available actions

As of today, eight actions are available in the rules engine:

  1. Copy
  2. Add
  3. Set
  4. Remove
  5. Concatenate
  6. Clear
  7. Calculate
  8. Generate

What are these actions for? Let's discover it 😉


The Copy action enables you to copy an attribute value in another one.

The expected values are:

  • from_field: the code of the attribute to be copied
  • to_field: the attribute code where the value will be copied
  • from_locale: the locale code of the value to be copied (optional)
  • from_scope: the channel code of the value to be copied (optional)
  • to_localethe locale code where the value will be copied (optional)
  • to_scope: the channel code where the value will be copied (optional)

It is possible to copy values from an attribute type to another attribute of the same type (for example: from a text attribute type to another text attribute type).

You can copy the values of a table attribute to another table, only if both tables share the exact same structure.


You can go even further. It is possible to copy attribute values in another attribute value field even if they are two different types of values. There are some exceptions, mind you! Take a look at the list below.

You can copy the given attribute to a selection of attribute types that we defined based on logical criteria:

You can copy the option code of a simple select attribute to:

  • a reference entity single link attribute (the record must already exist)
  • a text attribute
  • a text area attribute

You can copy the option codes of a multi-select attribute to:

  • a reference entity multiple links attribute (the records must already exist)
  • a text attribute (a comma separates the codes)
  • a text area attribute (a comma separates the codes)

You can copy the value of a text attribute to:

  • a text area attribute
  • a simple select attribute (the option code must already exist)
  • a reference entity single link attribute (the record must already exist)

You can copy the value of an identifier attribute to:

  • a text attribute
  • a text area attribute

You can copy the value of a date attribute to:

  • a text attribute
  • a text area attribute

The date will be copied into the ISO 8601 format (ex: 2019-01-25T12:00:00+01:00).


You can copy the value of a measurement attribute to:

  • a text attribute
  • a text area attribute
  • a number attribute

You can copy the value of a number attribute to:

  • a text attribute
  • a text area attribute
  • a measurement attribute

You can copy the value of a price attribute to:

  • a text attribute
  • a text area attribute

You can copy the value of a reference entity single link attribute to:

  • a text attribute
  • a text area attribute
  • a simple select attribute (the option code of the simple select attribute must already exist)

You can copy the value of a reference entity multiple links attribute to:

  • a text attribute
  • a textarea attribute
  • a multi-select attribute (the option codes of the multi-select attribute must already exist)

You can copy the value of an asset collection to:

  • another asset collection attribute

Specificity regarding simple select/multi-select attributes

In a list, an option is defined by a code and a label (the label is not mandatory). When the rule engine performs a copy action, it uses the option codes.

To copy values from a simple select attribute to another or from a multi-select attribute to another, every option you want to copy must already exist in the target attribute.

For instance, if you have two attributes: Attribute 1 and Attribute 2, both containing sizes.  
You want to copy the size filled in Attribute 1 to Attribute 2. Both have an option with code "S", but this option doesn't have the same label: in Attribute 1, the label is Small, whereas, in Attribute 2, it is S.  
When you perform a copy action on one or several products to copy this size, the option with code S will be copied from attribute 1 to attribute 2 in your product page, and the result will be:

  • Attribute 1: Small
  • Attribute 2: S


You have a value per channel and value per locale attribute called description. You can copy its content from the en_US locale and the print channel to the en_US locale and the e-commerce channel. The action will be defined as follows:

              - type: copy
                  from_field: description
                  from_locale: en_US
                  from_scope: print
                  to_field: description
                  to_locale: en_US
                  to_scope: ecommerce


The Add action allows you to add values to a multi-select attribute or a reference entity multiple-link attribute. Also, it makes it possible to add a product to categories and groups.

The expected values are:

  • field: the attribute code or property
  • items: the value codes. It has to be an array of the items you need to add.
  • locale: the locale code for which the value is assigned (optional)
  • scope: the channel code for which the value is assigned (optional)


To add the “t-shirts” category to a set of products, the action will be as follows:

              - type: add
                  field: categories
                    - t-shirts

Add associations

The add action can also associate products/product models/groups without removing previously associated ones. You can choose only to associate products or product models or groups, or any combination you like.

For instance, the following action will associate the product_42 product and the tshirt group to your product (while keeping previously associated products and groups), and won't update the associated product models.

              - type: add
                field: associations
                          - product_42
                          - tshirts


The Set action assigns values to attributes and system properties: categories, status (enabled/disabled), groups, family, and associations. Beware, the new ones will replace the previous values.

The expected values are:

  • field: the attribute code or property
  • value: the attribute value or property value
  • locale: the locale code for which the value is assigned (optional)
  • scope: the channel code for which the value is assigned (optional)


To set the “My very new description for purple T-shirt” value to your description attribute in the en_US locale and for the e-commerce channel, the action will be as follows:

For instance, the following actions will disable the product and set its family to shoes. It will also categorize it in casual and women (while uncategorizing it from its previous categories), and add it to the summer group (while removing it from its previous groups).

              - type: set
                field: enabled
                value: false
              - type: set
                field: family
                value: shoes
              - type: set
                field: categories
                   - casual
                   - women
              - type: set
                field: groups
                  - summer

Set associations

As for the add action, you can associate any combination of products, product_models, or groups for each association type. You can decide which associated products, product_models, or groups you want to update. The other ones will not be updated.

In the example below, you can see that the following action will replace the associated products for the X_SELL association, but won't replace associated product models or groups.   
And for the UPSELL association, it will replace the associated product models and groups but not the associated products.

              - type: set
                field: associations
                          - product_42
                          - another_product
                          - amor
                          - tshirts


The Remove action enables you to remove values from a multi-select attribute, a reference entity multiple link attribute, an asset collection attribute, a price collection attribute, a product category or a group.

The expected values are:

  • field: the attribute code or “categories”
  • items: the value codes to remove
  • locale: the locale code for which the value is assigned (optional)
  • scope: the channel code for which the value is assigned (optional)
  • include_children: if true, then it also applies the removal of the children to the given categories. It is only applicable if the field is set to “categories” (It's optional. By default, it is set to false)


To remove the “t-shirts” category, the action will be as follows:

              - type: remove
                  field: categories
                    - t-shirts

To remove the “clothing” category and its children, the action will be as follows:

              - type: remove
                  field: categories
                    - clothing
                  include_children: true

To declassify products from the whole “Master catalog” tree, the action will be as follows:

              - type: remove
                  field: categories
                    - master
                  include_children: true


The Concatenate action concatenates at least two values into a single value. A space separates each source value.

The action is only for attribute values 😉.


Concatenation only works if both of the fields are not empty, so we recommend using NOT EMPTY in the construction of your conditions to prevent warnings.


The possible source attribute types are:

  • Text
  • Text area
  • Date
  • Identifier
  • Measurement
  • Number
  • Price
  • Simple select
  • Multi-select (a comma separates values)
  • Reference entity single link
  • Reference entity multiple links

The possible target attribute types are:

  • Text
  • Text area

The parameters from and to are required in this format. Depending on the source attribute type, some optional keys can be added.The expected values are:


  • field: the attribute code.
  • locale: the locale code for which the value is assigned (optional)
  • scope: the channel code for which the value is assigned (optional)
  • format: format of the date following the PHP format specification (optional, only relevant for date attributes). By default, it is Y-m-d (e.g.,i.e. 2020-01-31)
  • currency: the currency code for which the price is assigned (optional, only relevant for price_collection attributes). By default, all the prices in the collection are displayed, separated by a comma.
  • label_locale: the locale code for the label of the option or record (optional, only relevant for simple select, multi-select, reference entity single link, and reference entity multiple link attributes). By default, the code of the option is used.
  • unit_label_locale: the locale code for the unit of the measurement (optional, only relevant for measurement attributes). By default, the code of the unit is used.


We don't manage grammar corrections when using a measurement attribute type in a concatenation (i.e., no plural management).


Here is an example:

            - type: concatenate
                  - field: brand
                  - field: color
                    label_locale: en_US
                  - field: name
                    scope: ecommerce
                    locale: en_US


  • fieldthe attribute code.
  • locale: the locale code for which the value is assigned (optional)
  • scope: the channel code for which the value is assigned (optional)


To concatenate the brand (without a value per locale and without a value per channel) and the model in the en_US locale into the product title value in the en_US locale, the action will be as follows:

            - type: concatenate
                  - field: brand
                  - field: model
                    locale: en_US
                  field: product_title
                  locale: en_US


This action clears the value(s) assigned to an attribute, product category, product group, or product association.

The expected values are:

  • field: the attribute code, "categories", "groups" or "associations".
  • locale: the locale code for which the value is assigned (optional).
  • scope: the channel code for which the value is assigned (optional).


To clear the brand in en_US locale, the action will be as follows:

            - type: clear
              field: brand
              locale: en_US

To clear all the categories that are linked to products, the action will be as follows:

            - type: clear
              field: categories

To clear all the product associations, the action will be as follows:

            - type: clear
              field: associations


This action allows calculating numeric attribute values, with simple mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division).

This action only accepts number, measurement or price collection attributes for both the source and the destination.

The action is split into 3 required steps, and 1 optional:

destination: the value you want to update. It is composed of:

  • field: the attribute code (required)
  • locale: locale code if the attribute is localizable (optional)
  • scope: channel code if the attribute is scopable (optional)
  • currency: currency code if the attribute is a price collection (required if the destination attribute type is a price collection)
  • unit: unit code if the attribute is a measurement (optional, the default measurement unit of the attribute will be used if not set)

source: the first operand of the operation. It requires at least either a value or a field and additional items. For instance, you can have:

  • value: a constant numeric value - decimal separator: dot, no thousands separator, e.g: 1515.14 (required)


  • field: attribute code of the source value (required)
  • locale: locale code if the attribute is localizable (optional)
  • scope: channel code if the attribute is scopable (optional)
  • currency: currency code if the attribute is a price collection (required if the source attribute type is a price collection)

operation_list: the list of operations to execute (at least one operation is required)

It is exactly the same format as the source property, with an additional required field:

  • operatorcan be either add, subtract, multiply, or divide (required)

The operations are applied in the order they are provided, regardless of any mathematical priority. For instance, 5 - 3 + 2 x 5 will result in ((5 - 3) + 2) x 5) = 20


If a product value required in an operation is empty or if a division by zero occurs, the product won't be updated.

round_precision (optional): rounds the final result of the operation(s)

If this parameter is not specified or if the value is null, the final result will not be rounded. The round precision can be:

  • a positive number: it represents the number of decimals to keep
  • 0: rounded with no decimal
  • a negative number: the rounding will occur before the decimal point (for example, with a precision of -1: 81 becomes 80, with a precision of -2: 81 becomes 100)

If the destination attribute does not allow decimals, the action can be applied only when the result is an integer. This behavior can be changed by setting up the round_precision to 0: the result will be rounded, and the action will be applied.


For instance, to calculate the volume of a cone (volume = (π x R² x h) / 3), given a radius and a height, you can use the following action:

              - type: calculate
                  field: volume
                  unit: CUBE_CENTIMETER
                  value: 3.14
                  - operator: multiply
                    field: radius
                  - operator: multiply
                    field: radius
                  - operator: multiply
                    field: height
                  - operator: divide
                    value: 3

The following action will calculate a price in euros, based on the price in dollars and a ratio, and round the result to the nearest integer value:

              - type: calculate
                round_precision: 0
                  field: price
                  scope: ecommerce
                  currency: EUR
                  field: price
                  scope: ecommerce
                  currency: USD
                  - operator: multiply
                    field: ratio

When using measurement attributes, their value will be converted to the default measurement unit defined for the attribute. For instance, a Length attribute can have a 'CENTIMETER' default unit and yet its value for the product is 1 INCH. In that case, the value will be converted to 2.54 (1 inch = 2.54 cm).


Also, no consistency check is performed regarding the units. You can perfectly multiply a frequency by a length and put the result in a price attribute, even if it makes no sense 😃




You can now automate content generation for a range of products using AI-Enhanced Enrichment, thanks to two new actions available in the Rule Engine: 

  • 'Generate attribute value with AI’ 
  • 'Generate translation with AI'

To use the two new rules, you will need first to enable AI for content generation and/or translation at the attribute level. 

On the tab ‘Generative AI’ of your attribute in Settings/Attributes, select ‘Yes’ if you want to enrich this attribute through AI. Then, select the attributes (text or text area attributes) that you would like to consider when generating product content within the attribute you enable with Generative AI.

Then, select a pre-defined template of instructions (’System prompt’) that will be used to prompt OpenAI’s ChatGPT and allow it to be as precise as possible in the content that will be created. You also have the option to generate a custom template of instructions (’System prompt’) if you choose ‘Custom’ in the drop-down list.

Prompt Guidelines

If you would like to build your customizable prompt, we can recommend checking out our ‘Prompt Guidelines’ section in our article dedicated to 'AI-Enhanced Enrichment' for advice on how to create an accurate system prompt for your business. You can then test the accuracy of your prompt by generating descriptions for several products in the Product Edit Form before automating this action with the Rule Engine.



  • How to set up these new rules?

You can define the ‘Conditions’ for your Product Selection in the first part. The attributes or system fields will select and filter your products/product models. Altogether, your Conditions will create your 'Product selection'.


Your whole product catalog will be selected by default if you do not add any condition in the product selection of your rule. With these two new rules, existing content on your attributes might be erased and replaced by AI-generated content. We strongly recommend to fine-tune your selection with the relevant conditions for your products.



To generate AI-Enhanced product content in the Rules Engine, select the action ‘Generate attribute value with AI’: you must select the target attribute where product content will be generated, and the channel and locale of your choice.

To generate AI-Enhanced product translation in the Rules Engine, select the action ‘Generate translation with AI’: you must select your source attribute with channel and locale and then your target locale(s). You can select one or several locales as your target.


When creating a rule, if you notice that some fields are locked when selecting an action, it could be that your attribute is not enabled with AI. To do so, navigate through Settings/ Attributes and then select the Attribute (text or text area) that needs to benefit from ‘AI-Enhanced enrichment’, then select ‘This attribute can be enriched through AI’ for Generation and/or translation.



New permissions 

If you do not see these two new rules available in the Rules Engine, we can recommend to check the ‘Permissions’ area of your PIM: System / Roles / Permissions / AI. You will have three ACL groups to choose from:

  • Enable AI on attributes: this will allow users to set up any text or text area attributes to be enabled with AI, allowing for future AI-Enhanced content to be generated.
  • Authorize AI usage on Product Edit Form: this will allow users to benefit from our new ‘Ask AI’ button on every text and text area attribute.
  • Authorize Rules Configuration with AI: this will allow users to benefit from our two new rules to automate the generation of AI directly in the Rules Engine.

By default, these three permissions will be disabled.



To learn more about our AI-Enhanced enrichment feature and additional capabilities in the PIM, check out our dedicated article.


Available fields

Now that you have discovered all the available actions, you can easily see which can be useful in your daily work 😉. But, to write a rule, you must define your product selection. You need to know the available fields and their operators to do so.

Remember that the filters (or "fields") used in the rules are the same as in the product grid.


As of today, the following fields are supported in the rules engine, and each of them has its own business rules. Here we go!


The possible operators for the created field are:

  • =
  • ‘>’
  • <

The format of the date is:

  • "yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS" (UTC time)
  • “now”
  • "<relative date format>" (see below)

The value element will be ignored if the operator is EMPTY or NOT EMPTY.


The "relative date format" only works with the <, >, = and != operators.



- field: created
          operator: =
          value: "2015-01-23 00:00:00"
        - field: created
          operator: <
          value: "-10 days"


The possible operators for the updated field are:

  • =
  • ‘>’
  • <

The format of the date is:

  • "yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS" (UTC time)
  • “now”
  • "<relative date format>" (see below)

The value element will be ignored if the operator is EMPTY or NOT EMPTY.


The "relative date format" only works with the <, >, = and != operators.

Please note that the hour format is in the UTC timezone.

          field: updated
          operator: =
          value: "2015-01-23 00:00:00"
          field: updated
          operator: '>'
          value: "-1 year"

Focus on the “relative date format”

The relative date format allows to specify dates that are relative to the rule execution date. It, the only relevant relative date format for the created and updated properties  is formatted as follows:

<+/-><count> <unit>, with:

  • "+" means a date in the future, "-" a date in the past
  • the count is an integer
  • unit is one of the following values: minute, hour, day, week, month, or year with an optional final s

For instance, +1 month means in one month, and -2 days means two days ago

Obviously, the only relevant relative date format for the created and updated properties is the "past" relative date.


Enabled (status)

The possible operators for the enabled field are:
  • =
field: enabled
        operator: =
        value: false

If you want to select the activated products, set the value to "true". If you want to select the deactivated ones, set it to "false".



The possible operators for the completeness field are:

  • =
  • ‘>’
  • <


field: completeness
        locale: fr_FR
        scope: print
        operator: =
        value: "100"

The locale and scope elements are mandatory.


The value field requires a percentage.



The possible operators for the family field are:

  • IN
  • NOT IN

The value element will be ignored if the operator is EMPTY or NOT EMPTY.



field: family
        operator: IN
         - camcorders
         - digital_cameras

The value expects family codes.


Family variant

The possible operators for the family_variant field are:

  • IN
  • NOT IN

The value element will be ignored if the operator is EMPTY or NOT EMPTY.



field: family_variant
        operator: IN
         - shoes_by_size
         - clothing_by_color

The value expects family variant codes.



The possible operators for the parent field are:

  • IN

The value element will be ignored if the operator is EMPTY or NOT EMPTY.



field: parent
        operator: IN
         - model_tshirt_red
         - model_pants_blue

The value expects product model codes.



The possible operators for the identifier field are:

  • =
  • “!=”
  • IN
  • NOT IN


field: identifier
        operator: IN
         - model_tshirt_red
         - tshirt_red_xxl

The value expects product identifiers or product model codes.


Entity type

The only accepted operator for the entity_type field is:

  • =


field: entity_type
        operator: =
        value: Akeneo\Pim\Enrichment\Component\Product\Model\ProductModelInterface

The value field expects either Akeneo\Pim\Enrichment\Component\Product\Model\ProductInterface for products or Akeneo\Pim\Enrichment\Component\Product\Model\ProductInterface for product models.



The possible operators for the groups' field are:

  • IN
  • NOT IN

The value element will be ignored if the operator is EMPTY or NOT EMPTY.



field: groups
        operator: IN
         - oro_tshirts
         - akeneo_tshirts

The value field expects the group codes.



The possible operators for the categories field are:

  • IN
  • NOT IN


field: categories
        operator: IN
         - C0056
         - F677

The field expects the category code.


Attribute types

Now that the actions and the fields don't have any secret for you anymore, you can discover which attribute types you can use as targets for your rules. It means these attributes can receive the values you defined in your rules.

Text / Text area

The possible operators for the text/textarea attribute types are:

  • =

If the operator is EMPTY or NOT EMPTY, the value element will be ignored



field: description
        operator: CONTAINS
        value: "Awesome product"

text can be written with or without quotation marks.


The possible operators for the identifier attribute type are:

  • =
  • “!=”
  • IN
  • NOT IN


field: sku
        operator: CONTAINS
        value: "AKNTS_PB"


The possible operators for the measurement attribute type are:

  • <
  • =
  • ‘>’
  • ‘>=’

The value element will be ignored if the operator is EMPTY or NOT EMPTY.



field: weight
        operator: =
         amount: 0.5
         unit: KILOGRAM

We expect numeric value and measurement unit code in the following format:

  • dot “.” is the decimal separator,
  • there is no space between thousands.


The possible operators for the boolean attribute type are:

  • =


field: shippable_us
        operator: =
        value: false

If you want your rule to be applied to a boolean attribute type set to "Yes", you should set "true" as a value. If you want your rule to be applied to a boolean attribute type set to "No", you should set "false" as a value.


The possible operators for the Simple select list / Reference entity single link attribute types are:

  • IN
  • NOT IN

The value element will be ignored if the operator is EMPTY or NOT EMPTY.



field: size
        operator: IN
         - xxl

We expect the option code as a value.

The possible operators for the Multiselect list / Reference entity multiple link attribute types are:

  • IN
  • NOT IN

The value element will be ignored if the operator is EMPTY or NOT EMPTY.



field: material
        operator: IN
         - GOLD
         - LEATHER

We expect the option code as a value.


The possible operators for the Number attribute type are:

  • <
  • =
  • ‘>’
  • ‘>=’

The value element will be ignored if the operator is EMPTY or NOT EMPTY.



field: min_age
        operator: =
        value: 12

We expect a number as a value.


The possible operators for the Date attribute type are:

  • <
  • ‘>’
  • =

The format of the date is:

  • “yyyy-mm-dd”
  • “now”
  • "<relative date format>" (see below)

The value element will be ignored if the operator is EMPTY or NOT EMPTY.


The "relative date format" only works with the <, >, = and != operators.



          field: release_date
          operator: =
          value: "2015-01-23"
          field: creation_date
          operator: '>'
          value: "-1 year"

Focus on the “relative date format”

The relative date format allows to specify dates that are relative to the rule execution date, it is formatted as follows:

<+/-><count> <unit>, with:

  • "+" means a date in the future, "-" a date in the past
  • count is an integer
  • unit is one of the following values: day, week, month or year with an optional final s

For instance, +1 month means in one month, and -2 days means 2 days ago


field: created_date
        operator: '>'
        value: "2016-05-12"

The "relative date format" is based on the UTC timezone. It means that if you are located in Eastern Australia (UTC +10) and the rules are executed on the 06/22/20 at 8:00am, the "relative date" will be based on the 06/21/20



The possible operators for the Price collection attribute type are:

  • <
  • =
  • ‘>’
  • ‘>=’

The value element will be ignored if the operator is EMPTY or NOT EMPTY.



field: basic_price
        operator: <=
          amount: 12
          currency: EUR
        field: null_price
        operator: NOT EMPTY
          amount: null
          currency: EUR

We expect numeric value and currency code in the following format:

  • dot “.” is the decimal separator,
  • there is no space between thousands.

Picture or file

The possible operators for the Picture or File attribute types are:

  • =


field: small_image
        operator: CONTAINS
        value: ../../../

We expect a text as a value (it should match the filename).

Asset collection

The possible operators for the Asset Collection attribute type are:

  • IN
  • NOT IN

The value element will be ignored if the operator is EMPTY or NOT EMPTY.



field: packshot
        operator: IN
        value: [my_product_packshot]

In this example, we select all the products with the "my_product_packshot" asset in their "packshot" asset collection.

We expect an array of asset codes as value.

A real example

You're done with all these specifications!

We hope that you perfectly understand the rules engine operation now. But to clarify it, we thought it would be better to take a real example of a rule 😉.

Let's say that, among all the attributes of your product form, you have one price collection attribute type and a boolean attribute type. In the price collection, you define the price of your product in USD. The boolean attribute defines if your product is ready to be sent to your ecommerce platform (if it is set to "yes", it means that the product is ready).

Manually changing the status of the boolean attribute is time-consuming and a very repetitive task... But for the rules engine, it's a perfect match! The mission of the rules engine here is to automate the status change of the boolean once the price attribute has a value.

To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Open a text editor to write the YML code of the rule.
  2. Write this:
          priority: 90
          enabled: true
            - field: basic_price
              operator: NOT EMPTY
                amount: null
                currency: EUR
            - field: ecommerce_ready
              value: true
              type: set
              en_US: 'Set ecommerce_ready'
              fr_FR: 'Définir ecommerce_ready'

And finally, import your YML file using the Akeneo rules import job.

If you want to execute the rule directly:

  1. Go to SettingsRules
  2. Click on the "play" button on your rule line and confirm.

The rule is executed 😉