About the completeness
What is this red, orange or green progress bar displayed on my dashboard? What means the percentage on my product grid?
This is the completeness!
Because product information matters to us, we introduced the concept of "completeness" in our PIM. Akeneo's completeness is an information about your enrichment quality: it tells you how many attributes are filled in for your products.
Where to see the completeness?
The completeness can be displayed as a progress bar or as a percentage in the PIM.
On your dashboard
Your dashboard will display the overall completeness for each combination channel/locale
In your product grid
Your product grid will display the completeness for each product as a percentage

On your product edit form
Your product edit form will display the completeness for each product, as well as for each variant if it is a product model
In your completeness panel (product edit form)
Thanks to the completeness panel, get the list of empty attributes and fill them in!
How do I set up my completeness?
The completeness is defined by a family, a locale and a channel.
Then, once you know which attributes have to be taken into account for each family, in other words, which attributes must be filled in to export your product, go to Settings/Family. Select a family and under the tab Attributes, tick attributes to take them into account in the completeness calculation or untick them to remove them from completeness calculation.
It's easy as pie!
To determine which attributes to set as required, try to answer the following question: which product information do I absolutely need to display on my website, app...? Is it the same for all my channels?
How is it calculated?
The completeness calculation takes into account several parameters: the attributes defined as mandatory for the product family, the locales enabled for the channel... The PIM checks all the attributes filled in and all the attributes missing a value, and display you a percentage.
A product is considered as complete (when it has a completeness of 100%, meaning when all its required attributes have a value.
How often is my completeness refreshed?
The completeness is regenerated:
- after an import,
- after a mass action,
- after the rules are executed,
- after you edit your family,
- after a product is saved...
You can refresh your completeness using the command app/console pim:completeness:calculate (not available for Serenity edition)