AI-Enhanced enrichment in the PIM


Overview of the feature

Revolutionize your product content creation and translation processes with our AI-Enhanced Enrichment feature. Seamlessly integrated with your PIM, this functionality empowers you to effortlessly generate and adapt product content using the power of AI from the convenience of your product edit forms or some automated rules.

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Generate and adapt product content using the power of AI!

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First, make sure that you have the right to benefit from our feature directly in the ‘Permissions’ area of your PIM: System / Roles / Permissions / AI.

You will have three ACL groups to choose from:

  • Enable AI on attributes: this will allow users to set up any following attributes to be enabled with AI, allowing for future AI-Enhanced content to be generated:
    • Text
    • Text area
    • Single select
    • Multi-select
    • Date
    • Measurement
    • Reference entity single link
    • Reference entity multiple links
  • Authorize AI usage on Product Edit Form: this will allow users to benefit from our new ‘Ask AI’ button on every text and text area attribute.
  • Authorize Rules Configuration with AI: this will allow users to benefit from our two new rules to automate the generation of AI directly in the Rules Engine.

By default, these three permissions will be disabled.


Enable AI at the attribute settings

Every text or text area attribute can be enabled with AI for content generation and/or translation. Follow the steps for setting up the future content generation directly on the tab ‘Generative AI’.

General recommendation on content validation

Akeneo strongly recommends you carefully review all content generated or translated using AI models to ensure it aligns with Your instructions, as well as with your company's values and desired communication policies.

  • Generation of content

On the tab ‘Generative AI’ of your attribute in Settings/Attributes, select ‘Yes’ if you want to enrich this attribute through AI. Then, select the attributes (simple select, multi-select, text, text area, boolean or number attributes) that you would like to consider when generating product content within the attribute you enable with Generative AI.

Then, select a pre-defined template of instructions (’System prompt’) that will be used to prompt OpenAI’s ChatGPT and allow it to be as precise as possible in the content that will be created. You also have the option to generate a custom template of instructions (’System prompt’) if you choose ‘Custom’ in the drop-down list.

If you would like to build your customizable prompt, we can recommend checking out our ‘Prompt Guidelines’ section at the end of this article for advice on how to create an accurate system prompt for your business. You can then test the accuracy of your prompt by generating descriptions for several products in the Product Edit Form before automating this action with the Rule Engine.

  • Translation of content

On the tab ‘Generative AI’ of your attribute, select ‘Yes’ to allow for translation of the values in your attribute.

If you would like to enable several attributes for translation, you may also proceed to an import with the code of your attribute and a second column ‘ai_translation_enabled’ with the number 1 to enable it (or 0 to deactivate it).

We focused on several use cases to allow you to seamlessly integrate AI within our enrichment features: in the Product Edit Form and in the Rules Engine.

Please note that the translation might fail during a translation for words that can have multiple meanings.

AI-Enhanced enrichment in the Product Edit Form

  • Generate AI-Enhanced product content in the Product Edit Form

After enabling AI for the attribute of your choice, you can directly jump to the Product Edit Form (PEF) of the product of your choice and start generating product content using the ‘Ask AI’ button. We will generate AI-Enhanced content for your product in a few seconds, using OpenAI ChatGPT's model and the attributes you set up in the settings of your attribute.

  • Generate AI-Enhanced product translation in the Product Edit Form

You can also select the action ‘Translate’ to generate a translation. This could be very useful if you already have the tone and voice you would like to give to your content in another locale and would like to transpose it to the locale of your choice.

Let’s imagine you are on a PEF for a product in the English locale (en_US), and you already have the French locale (fr_FR) content of your product generated; you can select the following actions Ask AI >Translate > From French (France) to generate a description in English that will have the same tone and voice.

AI-Enhanced enrichment is also compatible with the feature ‘Compare/Translate’, which is available on the top of your Product edit Form, in the three dots menu, close to the ‘SAVE’ button.

Rephrase content with short actions

After generating your content, you have the possibility to click again on the ‘Ask AI’ button in your Product Edit Form that will enable you to rephrase your content if you are not entirely satisfied with it. 

The two first actions ‘Make it shorter’ (in no more than 350 characters) and ‘Make it longer’ (in no more than 650 char.) will modify the length of your content.

Let's focus on the other actions:

  • ‘Make it more descriptive’: will emphasize on the important details that make the product unique.
  • ‘Make it more attractive’: will emphasize on the narrative around the product, and keep an enthusiastic tone.
  • ‘Make it more technical’: will emphasize on the technical features of the product, with more straight-to-the point content.
  • ‘Make it compelling for Amazon Channel’: will reformulate the content with a clear and concise title, bullet points highlighting the main benefits of the product, as well as relevant keywords.

Please note that these short actions to rephrase are solely available in the Product Edit Form.


AI-Enhanced enrichment in the Rules Engine

Automate tailored content generation for a range of products, thanks to two new actions available in the Rule Engine: ‘Generate attribute value with AI’ and ‘Generate translation with AI’. The ‘Rule Engine’ is located in the menu Settings/Rules/Create a new rule.

To start setting up your rule, define your product selection and then add the action of your choice.

  1. Define your product selection

You can define the ‘Conditions’ for your Product Selection in the first part. The attributes or system fields will select and filter your products/product models. Altogether, your Conditions will create your 'Product selection'.

Your whole product catalog will be selected by default if you do not add any condition in the product selection of your rule. With these two new rules, existing content on your attributes might be erased and replaced by AI-generated content. We strongly recommend to fine-tune your selection with the relevant conditions for your products.



Rules are automatically executed four times a day: at 5 am UTC, at 11 am UTC, at 5 pm UTC and 11 pm UTC. Rules are also regularly executed after a bulk action or after imports with rules. If you want to ensure that your attributes are not, you may change the status of your rule to ‘Disabled’ in the Properties tab of your rule.


You will find the system fields at the top of the list and, below, all the attributes gathered by attribute groups. There is a search bar to help you find the attributes. Each time you add a condition, its color turns purple to inform you that it is already used. A new line appears in the product selection.

Let's see how a line is organized.

You will find the system fields or attributes you chose on the left. It is written in purple. Then, you have to choose an operator. Depending on the filter, the operator list changes. The next fields vary depending on your filter. There can be up to 3 types of fields. You can have the value field.

If your filter has a value per channel and/or per locale, the channel and locale fields appear to let you choose which locale/channel you want to filter on.

If you want to remove a condition, click on the cross at the end of the line.

As you can see on the left side of the Add Condition button, there is a counter that tells you how many products/product models will be updated by this rule. It means that these conditions will impact X products/product models. This count is automatically updated as soon as you change a condition.

2. Add actions

Now that you have filtered your products/product models, you can add one or several actions you'll apply to them!

To do so:

  • Click on ‘Add action’ at the top of the screen
  • Select the action you want to add. There is a search bar and a scroll bar to choose the action from a list. A new section appears under the ‘Product selection’ section.
  • Select the text or text area attribute that you would like to generate content for, and the channel and locale of your choice.

Please refer to this article to learn more about rules and automation in the PIM.

To generate AI-Enhanced product content in the Rules Engine, select the action ‘Generate attribute value with AI’: you must select the target attribute where product content will be generated, and the channel and locale of your choice.

To generate AI-Enhanced product translation in the Rules Engine, select the action ‘Generate translation with AI’: you must select your source attribute with channel and locale and then your target locale(s).

You can select one or several locales as your target.

Locked fields in the Rule Engine

When creating a rule, if you notice that some fields are locked when selecting an action, it could be that your attribute is not enabled with AI. To do so, navigate through Settings/ Attributes and then select the Attribute (text or text area) that needs to benefit from ‘AI-Enhanced enrichment’, then select ‘This attribute can be enriched through AI’ for Generation and/or translation.



Potential retry for translations

If you encounter failed translations in the Product Edit Form or the Rules Engine, it could be due to OpenAI misinterpreting the context of the input information. In such cases, we recommend modifying the input and/or retrying the translation process.



Our Growth Edition (GE) customers will have access to these AI capabilities only in the Product Edit Form, while our Enterprise Edition customers will benefit from full access to our AI capabilities, both in the Product Edit Form and in the Rules Engine.

Current model used

We are currently using OpenAI's ChatGPT model ‘gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18’.


We are using an OpenAI's Enterprise plan, ensuring that the data we provide for content generation isn't utilized in model training. This data flows exclusively within their servers, returning directly to us without storage or reuse. We share only precise information with OpenAI to make sure we generate accurate content tailored for your requirements.

You can find below a list of the information we share with them, based on the information that you set up in the attribute settings:

  • For a content generation:  

    - Product name: the value of the attribute as label 
    - Locale: the language of the generated content 
    - Family: the label of the product family 
    - Values: the values of the product in the selected attributes to take into account  
    - Prompt: whether it is a pre-defined Akeneo prompt or your custom one that you have defined 
  • For a content translation: 
    - Source locale 
    - Target locale 
    - Value to translate 
  • For a rephrase: 
    - Value to rephrase 
    - Rephrase type 

We don't share the metadata of our clients (as clients names for example) with OpenAI. Some clients might want to add these kind of infos in their prompt, but we can guarantee that we are not adding these kind of informations on your behalf.

Prompt Guidelines

Creating effective prompts for generating product content with a model like ChatGPT requires clear instructions and an understanding of the desired tone, voice, and details you wish to convey. Here are guidelines to help you craft prompts that yield precise and engaging product content:

The more details you provide, the more the description will meet your expectations, and the more it will be qualitative and distinctive. 

1. Identify key features

  • List out the key features of the content that you would like to generate. These could include specifications, benefits, unique selling points, and any other relevant details that set it apart from similar items.

2. Specify the target audience

  • Consider who your target audience is and what they care about. Tailor your prompts to resonate with their needs, interests, and preferences. 

3. Choose the tone and voice

  • Define the tone and voice for the description. Tone could range from formal to informal, enthusiastic to neutral, or anywhere in between. Voice could be professional, friendly, whimsical, etc. Be specific about the tone and voice to ensure consistency in the product description.

4. Provide context

  • Give context to the prompts by explaining the purpose of the content and how it will be used. This helps ensure that the prompts align with the overall goals and objectives of the project. 

5. Include any necessary technical specifications

  • Provide relevant technical specifications. If applicable, include important specs that should be mentioned in the description (e.g., dimensions, material, compatibility). This is particularly important for tech products, appliances, and gadgets.

6. Mention any constraints or special instructions

  • Outline any specific constraints or instructions. If certain phrases, keywords, or compliance requirements need to be included in the description, make them clear in the prompt.

When defining a character limit in the prompt, the model may sometimes exceed the limit, impacting data accuracy. 

This happens because language models focus on clarity rather than strict length. To maintain data quality, it’s essential to review and adjust your text value to fit the required character limits before submission.


7. Request examples or comparisons

  • Ask for examples or comparisons if helpful. Indicating a request for the product to be compared to familiar items or scenarios can make the description more relatable and understandable to the target audience.

8. Clarify the purpose of the content

  • Explain what the content generated will be used for. Whether it's for an online store, a catalog, or marketing material, knowing the context can help shape the content appropriately.

9. Review and refine the prompt

  • Proofread your prompt for clarity and completeness. Before submitting your prompt, check to ensure it clearly communicates all necessary information and instructions. You can test it on several products in the Product Edit Form before automating it in the Rules Engine.

Example prompt:

"Generate a product description for a portable, rechargeable hand warmer called 'WarmPal'. 
Target audience: outdoor enthusiasts and commuters in cold climates. 
Tone: friendly and informative. Voice: casual, yet knowledgeable. 
Key features to highlight: compact design, 12-hour battery life, fast-charging capability, and eco-friendly materials. 
Mention that it's perfect for hiking, commuting, or any outdoor activity in the winter. 
Include technical specifications like dimensions (3x2 inches), weight (4 ounces), and material (recycled plastic). 
Avoid technical jargon and make the description accessible to non-experts."

By following these guidelines and using the example prompt as a template, you can craft effective and detailed prompts that will help generate product content tailored to your needs and the preferences of your target audience.

Supported languages

OpenAI's ChatGPT is optimized for use in English, but is robust enough to generate good results for a variety of languages.

Please always refer to OpenAI's documentation to learn about supported languages, as no official specific list exists yet.