

Upgrade "Akeneo Connector for Adobe Commerce Enterprise and Community Edition"

Enterprise Edition

In order to upgrade your connector version, you can either:

  • Upgrade to a specific version
 composer require "akeneo/magento2-connector-enterprise" "103.*"
  • Or upgrade directly to the latest version
 composer update akeneo/magento2-connector-enterprise

Then, update database setup

 php bin/magento setup:upgrade

And finally flush Adobe Commerce caches

 php bin/magento cache:flush

Community Edition

In order to upgrade your connector version, you can either:

  • Upgrade to a specific version
 composer require "akeneo/module-magento2-connector-community" "103.*"
  • Or upgrade directly to the latest version
 composer update akeneo/module-magento2-connector-community

Then, update database setup

 php bin/magento setup:upgrade

And finally flush Adobe Commerce caches

 php bin/magento cache:flush

Upgrade from Dn'D Pimgento connector to Akeneo Connector for Adobe Commerce

Upgrade from "PIMGento 2 API" version

Make sure to use the commands of the dedicated version of the Connector (Community Edition or Enterprise Edition) :

Enterprise Edition

First, please disable all PIMGento2 (API) modules:

 php bin/magento module:disable Pimgento_Api

Then, flush the cache:

 php bin/magento cache:flush

Install Akeneo Connector for Adobe Commerce Enterprise Edition:

Pre-requisites: Akeneo connector for Adobe Commerce Enterprise Edition should be retrieved from Akeneo Partner Portal and your SSH key should be set there.

Please read our documentation to get access to Akeneo Connector via our Partner Portal.

Install the connector:

 composer config repositories.magento2-connector-enterprise '{"type": "vcs", "url": "ssh://git@distribution.akeneo.com:443/magento2-connector-enterprise"}'


 composer require "akeneo/magento2-connector-enterprise" "103.*"

Enable the module in Adobe Commerce:

 php bin/magento module:enable Akeneo_Connector

Check and update the database setup:

 php bin/magento setup:db:status
 php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Flush the cache again:

 php bin/magento cache:flush

Migrate data from pimgento tables to akeneo_connector tables: Custom tables names have changed during connector migration. You will have to copy content from pimgento tables to akeneo_connector tables as follows:

 INSERT INTO akeneo_connector_entities SELECT * FROM pimgento_entities;
 INSERT INTO akeneo_connector_family_attribute_relations SELECT * FROM pimgento_family_attribute_relations;
 INSERT INTO akeneo_connector_import_log SELECT * FROM pimgento_import_log;
 INSERT INTO akeneo_connector_import_log_step SELECT * FROM pimgento_import_log_step;
 INSERT INTO akeneo_connector_product_model SELECT * FROM pimgento_product_model;

Since the 101.0.0 version of the Akeneo Connector for Adobe Commerce, the "akeneo_connector_product_model" table has been removed from the connector. If you migrate directly to this version or a superior version, you don't need to transfer data to the "akeneo_connector_product_model" table.


Community Edition

First, you need to disable all PIMGento2 (API) modules:

 php bin/magento module:disable Pimgento_Api

Then, flush the cache:

 php bin/magento cache:flush

Install Akeneo Connector for Adobe Commerce Community Edition:

 composer require akeneo/module-magento2-connector-community

Enable the module in Adobe Commerce:

 php bin/magento module:enable Akeneo_Connector

Check and update the database setup:

 php bin/magento setup:db:status
 php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Flush the cache again:

 php bin/magento cache:flush

Migrate data from pimengto tables to akeneo_connector tables: Custom tables names have changed during connector migration. You will have to copy content from pimgento tables to akeneo_connector tables as follows:

 INSERT INTO akeneo_connector_entities SELECT * FROM pimgento_entities;
 INSERT INTO akeneo_connector_family_attribute_relations SELECT * FROM pimgento_family_attribute_relations;
 INSERT INTO akeneo_connector_import_log SELECT * FROM pimgento_import_log;
 INSERT INTO akeneo_connector_import_log_step SELECT * FROM pimgento_import_log_step;
 INSERT INTO akeneo_connector_product_model SELECT * FROM pimgento_product_model;

Since the 101.0.0 version of the Akeneo Connector for Adobe Commerce, the "akeneo_connector_product_model" table has been removed from the connector. If you migrate directly to this version or a superior version, you don't need to transfer data to the "akeneo_connector_product_model" table.


Upgrade from Dn'D "PIMGento 2 CSV" version

Make sure to use the commands of the dedicated version of the Connector (Community Edition or Enterprise Edition) :

Enterprise Edition

First disable all PIMGento2 modules:

 php bin/magento module:disable Pimgento_Category
 php bin/magento module:disable Pimgento_Family
 php bin/magento module:disable Pimgento_Attribute
 php bin/magento module:disable Pimgento_Option
 php bin/magento module:disable Pimgento_Variant
 php bin/magento module:disable Pimgento_Product
 php bin/magento module:disable Pimgento_Import
 php bin/magento module:disable Pimgento_Entities
 php bin/magento module:disable Pimgento_Log

Then, flush the cache:

 php bin/magento cache:flush

Install Akeneo Connector for Adobe Commerce Enterprise Edition:

Pre-requisites: Akeneo Connector for Adobe Commerce Enterprise Edition should be retrieved from Akeneo Partner Portal and your SSH key should be set there.

Please read our documentation to get access to Akeneo Connector via our Partner Portal.

Install the connector:

 composer config repositories.magento2-connector-enterprise '{"type": "vcs", "url": "ssh://git@distribution.akeneo.com:443/magento2-connector-enterprise"}'


composer require "akeneo/magento2-connector-enterprise" "103.*"

Enable the module in Adobe Commerce:

 php bin/magento module:enable Akeneo_Connector

Check and update the database setup:

 php bin/magento setup:db:status
 php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Flush the cache again:

 php bin/magento cache:flush

Configure Akeneo Connector for Adobe Commerce back-end: Please refer to the connector configuration documentation to do so.

Re-import all your catalog data: Please refer to the documentation to do so.

Important notes: Please note the table called pimgento_variant in the CSV version is now called akeneo_connector_product_model. This is why you need to re-import all entities after the migration to be sure that all data is set properly.

All custom rewrites of the previous PIMGento 2 extension will be obsolete when migrating to Akeneo Connector.


Since the 101.0.0 version of the Akeneo Connector for Adobe Commerce, the "akeneo_connector_product_model" table has been removed from the connector.


Community Edition

First disable all PIMGento2 modules:

 php bin/magento module:disable Pimgento_Category
 php bin/magento module:disable Pimgento_Family
 php bin/magento module:disable Pimgento_Attribute
 php bin/magento module:disable Pimgento_Option
 php bin/magento module:disable Pimgento_Variant
 php bin/magento module:disable Pimgento_Product
 php bin/magento module:disable Pimgento_Import
 php bin/magento module:disable Pimgento_Entities
 php bin/magento module:disable Pimgento_Log

Then, flush the cache:

 php bin/magento cache:flush

Install the new Akeneo Connector for Adobe Commerce Community Edition:

 composer require akeneo/module-magento2-connector-community

Enable the module in Adobe Commerce:

 php bin/magento module:enable Akeneo_Connector

Check and update the database setup:

 php bin/magento setup:db:status
 php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Flush the cache again:

 php bin/magento cache:flush

Configure Akeneo Connector for Adobe Commerce back-end: Please refer to the connector configuration documentation to do so.

Re-import all entities: Please refer to the documentation to do so.

Important notes: Please note that the table called pimgento_variant in the CSV version is now called akeneo_connector_product_model. This is why you need to re-import all entities after the migration to be sure that all data is set correctly.

All custom rewrites of the previous PIMGento 2 extension will be obsolete when migrating to Akeneo Connector.


Since the 101.0.0 version of the Akeneo Connector for Adobe Commerce, the "akeneo_connector_product_model" table has been removed from the connector.