Category mapping
The Akeneo attributes of the categories can be mapped in "Category Mapping" Artifact. This mapping can be modified according to your needs. The connector app supports only the out-of-the-box values of SAP Commerce. If there are custom fields in categories, then the Category XSD has to be changed and corresponding inbound objects modelling through impex.
Category mapping UI
Core attribute Product Mapping
All the Commerce Cloud product static attributes, or core attributes, can be mapped in the artifact "Product Mapping". This Artifact supports the product attributes of the Commerce Cloud. The complex mapping feature can be leveraged to map multiple fields of the products from Akeneo PIM.
For instance, if you need a PIM Attribute to be mapped to a product type attribute in SAP CC, you should specify it in this field. The product type attribute must be pre-existing in SAP Commerce cloud.
Product mapping UI
Process to map a new field
To map a new field in the Product Mapping:
1- Connect the new fields
Drag the "items.attributes.code" from the left side message to the CC attribute in the right side message so that they are connected by an arrow.
2- Transform data block
Look for "getTransformedData" under the custom functions and add it in between "items.attributes.code" and the CC attribute.
3 - Map
- Make sure to also map "items.attributes.type", "items.attributes.values", the PIM attribute code, and the CC attribute code (same as the CC attribute name in the right side message).
- Change the contexts for "code", "type", and "values" to "items".
4 - Customize
You may also customize how the fields are being transformed from PIM data type to CC data type by editing the Custom Functions.groovy found on the right side and look for "transformToCCData()" function.
If customizing or adding new product core attributes in CC for mapping, you should also add the new fields in the Data Transformation for Product and Data Transformation for Variant Product message mappings. If the core attributes available in SAP CC Product and Variant Product are different, you may choose to specify here the which attributes to map, either to Product only or Variant Product only.
Classification attributes and association Mapping
The product features/ classification attributes can be mapped in the artifact "Attributes and Value Mapping". As families are represented by classification in SAP CC, the integration regroups attributes of the same family under the same classification attributes.
By default, the attributes will be created automatically within the classification attributes tab. All attributes you filtered will be created with the Akeneo attribute code.
Rename or map pre-existing attributes
If the attribute needs to be renamed or mapped to a pre-existing attribute in SAP CC, please fill in the one-on-one mapping.
Akeneo, ProductAttribute parameter | CommerceCloud, ClassificationAttribute parameter |
Type PIM Attribute code | Type SAP CC attribute code |
Exclude attributes
A tab also exists to exclude attributes. The PIM allows attribute groups exclusion, but as a user, you might need to exclude additional field.
Akeneo, AttributeExclusion parameter | CommerceCloud, AttributeExclusion parameter |
Type PIM Attribute code | Type “ Exclude ” |
Map association
Association with quantities is not covered in the out-of-the-box SAP commerce cloud. The integration does not cover it either.
Akeneo, ProductAssociation parameter | CommerceCloud, ProductReference |
Type PIM Association code | Type SAP CC reference code |
Attribute mapping in UI
Attribute exclusion in UI
Association mapping in UI
Media mapping
The integration only pushes media links linked to a CDN or a DAM. Those media links can contains images, video or files. All the media are by default stored in the media container of SAP Commerce.
The integrator might consider customization (mainly in the Groovy script) to change the renaming convention on the media files and redirect the media in the expected folder depending of the business need.