April 2024


🚀Import Media files and transform them into Assets in your Akeneo PIM

We are thrilled to announce the new feature in the Akeneo Supplier Data Manager. You can now effortlessly import your media files in your Akeneo PIM!

Ask your Akeneo CSM to unlock this functionality for you!


Media Import Enabled

A second step to your import has been added enabling you to import media files and your product information. This step is optional and can be skipped.

To save time, the system can automatically match your dropped media with the product file if the media names are reported into the product file in a dedicated column.


Map your media file attribute to your PIM image attribute

At the mapping step easily map your media field from the product file (the one that contains the media file values) with your PIM Attribute type “collection” or “image”

If you do not have a media column in your original file, the system will create one automatically at the end of the workflow.


Associate Media files to products

A dedicated space from the Normalization module enables you to manage your imported media from a product row to:

  • associate more media if needed
  • remove media if what was imported was incorrect 
  • upload new media from your computer 

How to access it?

🚀Note that the system will have already made these associations if you provide corresponding media file names within your product file.



Transform Media into Assets

When pushing media toward your PIM destination, media files will be converted into assets and linked directly to your products.

Asset collections: Media files will be transformed into assets and then sorted into the asset families that were chosen during the mapping step (via the attribute type collection mapped). Please ensure that your naming conventions are not mandatory, as we do not support them yet.