


By default, two files will be available to download at the end of a completed job.

  • A CSV file containing all the processed rows and columns for the completed job
  • A CSV file containing all the rows deleted during the job

For users that need more control, each project can have multiple custom Output Formats (OF).


Output Formats (OF) are listed and managed in each project pages

Additional configuration controls are available when clicking on the ➡️️ button for each created Output Formats.


At the most basic level each OF needs the following parameters:

  • Name: Can be anything, it’s just an internal reference
  • Step: the step in the project after which the output will be generated
  • Format: self explanatory, either Excel or CSV
  • Source: a dropdown list of what should be put in the export
    • inter the working sheet that was used during the step. Mostly interesting for debug purposes
    • results stores the tags of the Extraction step
    • deleted the fields / lines that were deleted in the step - they are combined into a single file at the end of the job the get all deleted rows across all steps.
    • matched all the lines that were removed / filtered in the match history step
    • input the data that the step received
    • output the data that the step sent to the next step - this is used to generate the default output on the last step.
    • export is present in the variant step and is used to export either parents or children.

Advanced Configuration

When editing a specific output format the following options are available. Some of them are self explanatory like the encoding or the separator to use in the CSV file, but there also are some extra configurations for the individual sheets of the excel file.

  • sheets is an array of Sheet objects. They only have 2 properties:
    • name: The name of the sheet
    • fields : Which fields should be included in the sheet. It expects an array of field objects with the following possible properties
      • name: the identifier of the field, if null all fields will be included
      • required : expects a boolean. if true the field will still be in the exported Output File as a null, even if the column is empty or non-existent in the Dataframe.
      • template (optional): allows formatting the value of the field, using a basic handlebars template syntax. The exposed variables are name and value. i.e. "template": "{name} - {value}"

A note on Webhooks

At the end of a job, a Webhook can be triggered. To add a new webook, in the admin, go to Connectors > [Project webhooks](<https://sdm.akeneo.cloud/admin/connectors/projectwebhook/>).

The configuration is pretty simple and self explanatory

The url is the URL of the webhook. The headers section allows hardcoding extra configuration that will be passed with the request to the url.

The only available trigger at the moment is Job Done . This means the webhook will be triggered every time a job for the project is completed.

The payload of the Job Done webhook is:

  • job_id
  • completion_date
  • last_editor? the email of the last editor of the job, if it exists

Retrieving the outputs of a job through FTP

Similarly, the outputs directory lists all the existing projects in your organization. (cf-FTP)