Compatibility and pre-requisite


Integration app compatibility

Before proceeding with the installation of the integration, it's essential to verify that the Akeneo integration for SAP Commerce is compatible with your specific versions of Akeneo PIM and SAP Commerce.

Maintaining compatibility as you transition from one version to another is a key focus for us. Thanks to the flexibility of the Akeneo GraphQL, the Akeneo Integration for SAP Commerce is inherently compatible with new versions of Akeneo PIM. Please note that while this compatibility ensures seamless operation, it may not always encompass the very latest features. To gain insights into our product roadmap and discover more about compatibility, we encourage you to reach out to Akeneo for further information.

PIM compatibility

Akeneo Integration for SAP Commerce is compatible with:

PIM version Supported ?
Enterprise  SaaS Supported
Enterprise edition PaaS  Not Supported
Community edition Not Supported

SAP Commerce compatibility

Akeneo Integration for SAP Commerce is compatible with:

SAP Commerce version
SAP Commerce Cloud versions on SAP CCv2  
SAP Commerce last onPrem 2205

SAP licenses and access needed for the integration

Akeneo integration for SAP Commerce Cloud is an iflow developed on the iPASS SAP Integration Suite. To be able to use it, the customer must have access to:

  1. SAP BTP  with necessary entitlements and user roles
  2. SAP Commerce cloud on CCv2 and last onPrem edition
  3. SAP Integration Suite with necessary entitlements and user roles
  4. Whitelist the Integration suite server IP address in CC . Please refer the IP address list

Pre-requisite to use the iflow 

#Understanding the connector fundamentals 

Read the section what you need to know before using the integration

#Configure your Akeneo PIM and SAP Commerce

If you need help setting up your Akeneo PIM, please refer to our PIM Help Center or contact your Customer Success Manager for more guidance.

If you have a pre-existing SAP Commerce, please make sure to read the section about how to configure the PIM with a Pre-existing SAP Commerce.

##Installing the connector

The installation of the Akeneo iflow for SAP Commerce is a technical process that should be handled by individuals or teams with a strong technical background and experience in setting up software integrations. Please refer to this article on installation.