PIM Supported Attributes and Limitations

This table is based from the Akeneo API doc and the PIM helpcenter

Attribute Akeneo Attribute Type Akeneo Description SDM Configuration and Limits
Identifier pim_catalog_identifier A code to identify a product, this code must be unique. It can be a SKU, an MPN... This attribute is mandatory to create products. Supported ✅
Setup as simple string with uniqueness rules.
⚠️ if use_uuid_push option is enable, SDM uses the UUID endpoint to push products
Text pim_catalog_text A single-line text field that can contain up to 255 characters, it is usually used for a product name. Supported ✅
Text area pim_catalog_textarea A multi-line text field that can be used for a product description. Supported ✅
We don’t have multi line. We support it like pim_catalog_text, but the max length for the text area is higher than for the text.
Simple select pim_catalog_simpleselect A single-choice list coming with custom options. Only one value can be selected among the available options. Supported ✅
Multi select pim_catalog_multiselect A multi-choice list coming with custom options. More than one value can be selected amongst the available options. Supported ✅
Yes/No pim_catalog_boolean A boolean attribute. Supported ✅
Date pim_catalog_date A date field, the PIM will display a calendar to choose the date, which includes day, month, and year. Unsupported ❌
Number pim_catalog_number A single-line field that can only contain digits. Supported ✅
Measurement pim_catalog_metric A single-line field composed of a first field containing a value and a second field containing a measurement unit. Supported but not as-is
Conversion not supported ❌
Connector will create two attributes : one number and another one called ${attribute_name}-unit as a simple select with the possible values from the measurement family
Price pim_catalog_price_collection A price attribute with values per currency. The displayed values will depend on the currencies enabled in the PIM. Supported but not as-is
Conversion not supported ❌
Same behavior as metric : connector creates two attributes one with the number and the other one with the currency as a simple select
Image pim_catalog_image A drag and drop zone to upload an image (extensions allowed: gif, jfif, jif, jpeg, jpg, pdf, png, psd, tif, tiff). Supported ✅
File pim_catalog_file A drag and drop zone to upload a file (allowed extensions: csv, doc, docx, mp3, pdf). Unsupported ❌
Asset collection (Enterprise Edition) pim_catalog_asset_collection An advanced attribute type to manage several digital resources like pictures, PDF files, YouTube videos... Supported ✅
SDM creates an asset_collection type attribute if the main attribute is an image or PDF. If the main attribute is something else, it is ignored.
Reference entity single link (Enterprise) akeneo_reference_entity Allows enriching common data related to products with rich content (text, images...), more complex than just a code and labels. Supported but not as-is
Modeled as a single select; only code and label are fetched from the reference entity.
Reference entity multiple links (Enterprise) akeneo_reference_entity_collection The same as above but allows managing multiple links. Supported but not as-is
Same as above, but allows multiple values.
Reference data simple select pim_reference_data_simpleselect Allows managing any kind of data that has its own properties, as a single-choice select. Supported ✅
Reference data multi select pim_reference_data_multiselect Allows managing any kind of data that has its own properties, as a multi-choice select. Supported ✅
Table (Growth and Enterprise Editions) pim_catalog_table Allows managing multidimensional data in the form of a table. Supported but not as-is ✅Workaround involves setting a maximum number of rows. SDM creates individual attributes for each cell, following specific naming conventions.

Table attribute - SDM configuration We use a parameter called max_rows_per_table. For each row in the table, SDM creates separate attributes for each cell. 

For example, if the table "attachments" has the attributes "type" (select), "width" (measurement), and "name" (string) with max_rows_per_table set to 3, SDM will create attributes like attachments-row0-type, attachments-row0-width, attachments-row0-width-unit, and so on for each row. 

Only the first row is required if the attribute is mandatory. If a later row is filled, the previous rows must also be filled; otherwise, an error is thrown.