Mapping Data Transformation Helpers


Using the data transformation block inspired from Excel, using a domain-specific language (DSL) can seem difficult. To help you understand how to make better use of the functions, we've listed below the main use cases, functions associated with them, and which formulas to write to achieve the use case mapping goal.


Attribute Types (from target examples)

Common Applicable Attributes

Primary Function

Example Formula


Text Title, Description Concatenate CONCATENATE("<p><b>Produktbeschreibung</b></p><p>",description,"</p><p><b>Technische Details</b>",technicality,"</p><p><b>Lieferumfang</b>",shipment) This function takes the mapped attributes, and combines them into a single output with html tags.
Array of Strings Product Options, Product Features Split, Regexreplace SPLIT(REGEXREPLACE(Amazon_Feed_product_type, "toiletseat", "24385"), "#&@!") This function splits the Amazon Feed product type by the "#&@!" value then replaces the occurances of "toiletseat" with "24385"
Text Title,Bullet Points, Images IFS, Left, Concatenate IFS(title_maison_du_monde!="", LEFT(title_maison_du_monde, 70), title_maison_du_monde="", LEFT(CONCATENATE(name, " ", color), 70)) If the first title value is blank, select the second and concatenate 3 values, for either start from 70 characters to the left
Measurement Any Measurement this is required Measurement MEASUREMENT(PACKAGE_WEIGHT,'POUND') This assigns PACKAGE_WEIGHT as the value and POUND as the unit to be consolidated into the Package Weight Amazon (any marketplace) attribute
Links (URL) Images, any attribute stored as an array IFS, ArrayElement IFS(ARRAYELEMENT(hardgood,1) = null, ARRAYELEMENT(softgood,1), ARRAYELEMENT(hardgood,1)!=null,ARRAYELEMENT(hardgood,1)) This checks if there is a value in hardgood array index 1, if there isn't it sends softgood array index 1, otherwise it sends hardgood array index 1. NOTE: null and "" are pretty interchangable
Measurement Measurement attributes Measurement, Round MEASUREMENT(ROUND(net_weight, 2), "KILOGRAM") This assigns net_weight as the value and KILOGRAM, and sends the value with two decimals rounded
Text Bullets, Description Clean HTML CLEANHTML(CONCATENATE(benefit_title_1, ' ',benefit_description_1)) This concatenates the two attributes and removes any HTML tags present to prep for display on the detail page
Text Material related flags (contains xyz etc.) TOTEXT TOTEXT(contains_wood_ This converts the attribute into a string value, in this example they were transforming a boolean.