Filtering and mapping channel and locales


Selecting the Source PIM Channel for Adobe Commerce Admin Data

In the connector configuration page, in Akeneo API configuration, within the Admin Website Channel parameter, define which PIM default Channel to associate with your Adobe Commerce Admin website:

Connector parameter title Akeneo PIM information
Admin Website Channel PIM Channel

Channel mapping: managing multiple Adobe Commerce “Websites” with different PIM scopable values

In Akeneo,  a channel defines a selection of products and information to export. A channel can be a website B2B, website B2C, a print catalog, or a mobile application…Each channel creates a “scopable” value of a product.

In Adobe Commerce, a Website product values come from a specific Channel in Akeneo PIM. This feature is a global configuration used to retrieve the Akeneo scopable values and assign those scopable values to the expected website. If a channel does not have an assigned website in Adobe Commerce, the attribute values ​​scopable for that channel will never exist in Adobe Commerce.

In the connector configuration page, in Akeneo API configuration section, within the Website Mapping parameter, define which PIM Channel to associate with your Adobe Commerce website:

Connector parameter title Adobe Commerce information PIM information
Website mapping (Adobe Commerce) Website (Akeneo PIM) Channel

Categorizing the product within the channel category

Products need to be categorized in the category tree linked to the channel for the scopable value to be retrieved.


Categorization of product on Adobe Commerce

The mapping between an Akeneo channel and an Adobe website is used to retrieve scopable attribute values. Therefore, there is no native link between the Adobe website and the categorization of the product within the PIM.

Since the 100.2.1 version of the Akeneo Connector for Adobe Commerce, you can also choose how to assign your products to your websites using a select or multi-select attribute. Please read below for more information. 

For a comprehensive understanding of the overall mapping between both systems, please consulte the data model comparison schema.


Product website assignment: assign products to chosen website with a “Website attribute” mapping

Available since the version 100.2.1 of the Akeneo Connector for Adobe Commerce.

With the channel mapping feature, the connector retrieves the different scopable values of a product.

The website attribute mapping lets you choose whether to display a product on a website. In no case does this prevent the product from having scopable attribute values ​​on other websites.

When configuring this feature, make sure of the following :

In Akeneo

  1.  Create a technical attribute Akeneo PIM, for instance “website_mapping”. This attribute must be a select or multi-select in Akeneo PIM. 
  2. The code of its options in Akeneo must match your Adobe Commerce website codes (you can find your Adobe Commerce websites codes in Store > Configuration)

In the connector

  1. The websites have to be mapped to your Akeneo channel(s) on the connector configuration in Akeneo API configuration 
  2. To configure this feature, define the code of the attribute in the connector configuration page in Products section. The website attribute code must be filled in the website attribute parameter. The attribute code given must be a valid Akeneo select or multi-select attribute.
Connector parameter Akeneo mapping
Website Attribute Fill in the Akeneo PIM "website attribute"  multi-select or  select attribute existing code (ex: website_association)

Once configured, the products will only be displayed on the selected website on Adobe Commerce front-end.

If the value for this attribute is empty for a product, the product won't be assigned to any website.

If this configuration is empty, hence not configured, your products will be assigned automatically following your Website Mapping found in Akeneo API Configuration.


Before the 101.0.0 version of the Akeneo Connector for Adobe Commerce, do not forget to add all the attributes responsible for the website association to the list of configurable attributes. You can find that list under Configuration -> Akeneo Connector -> Products -> Configurable.