Managing your product offers



If you are working with the Offer API to send offer data to marketplaces, you can now view your offer data directly from the you Activation channel product grid. You can also manage the offer data export, automated or manual, giving you full control of the functionality.


How does it work?

Inside an Activation Channel, in the product tab, you can see and take a few actions to govern the offer data included in the products part of that channel.


Summarized Product Offers View

For eligible channels, you will now see a filter to switch the table view from product data to offer data. Selecting offer will show you the table with the product offers.

You can still reference the products with their identifiers and and the catalogs they belong to, as well as a set of offer specific data:

Product Offers: The main data points

  • The total offer count per product
  • A product can have multiple offers, and promotions attached to it:
    • The offer condition
    • The offer price
    • The offer stock

Last push to the channel: The last time this product offers were successfully pushed to the channel

Error count: If available (not all marketplaces return offer errors), we display here the number of errors associated with the offer during the last offer export to the channel.



To manage your product offers efficiently some filters are available at the top of the product grid. Filters can be combined to refine search results and can be cleared when selecting the "All" option.

Here are the filters available:

  • Offers: filters on products containing offers or not
    • Options:
      • All
      • Contain offers
      • No offers
  • Offer Errors: filters on products that contain errors related their offers
    • Options:
      • All
      • Contain errors
      • No errors



Offer filers can be combined with existing product data filters to refine your analysis




Detailed Product Data View

Inside the table, clicking on a product with offers provides a detailed view of all product offer data, organized around multiple sections.

Offer Information

  • You can scroll through and expand/collapse the different offers available on a product (if multiple) and access various properties
    • The offer identifier (ie Offer SKU)
    • The offer condition
    • The offer price
    • The offer stock
    • The offer start/stop time
      • The offer length
    • The handling time


Offer Timeline

To ease the offer data analysis, we display a few key timestamps highlighting the product offer life cycle 

  • Last successful push to the channel: the last time this product offer was successfully sent to the marketplace
  • First successful push to the channel: the first time this product offer was successfully sent to the marketplace
  • Last data update: the most recent time this product's offer was update from the source
  • Last data source call: the most recent time this product's offer was fetched from the source


Errors (third section)

Errors play a key role in a product's offer journey. We list all the errors attached to a product offer during the export to the channel and display them in the detailed view of the product grid to troubleshoot

You are now provided with the following:

  • The source of the error
    • Internal
    • From the marketplace
  • The timestamp for the export when the error happened
  • The actionable error message explaining what the error if applicable, how to correct the error



Errors on offers

Be aware that not marketplaces provide errors back to the Akeneo Activation app. Mostly direct API-connection retailers and marketplaces identify and send back error reports. If you aren't seeing errors but expect that you should be able to, please reach out to our product support.




Control Offer Data Exports

  • From the activation channel setting tab, you can turn on/off the offer data export. This would automatically send the offer data to the marketplace via the offer API, every 15 minutes



  • From the activation channel header, you can launch an offer data export manually. You can also stop a job that you launched manually